Sunday, October 31, 2010

Putna Hermitage

Hermitage Putna Monastery is located 4 km from Putna monastery and is said to have been founded with the building of Putney. A Tatar Christian monk named Athanasios then, would have come here from Putna monastery and his example was followed by other monarchs, who will pick up a wooden church here. After a period of desolation, after the invasion of Poland from the end of the seventeenth century, Hermitage Putney resume life. With great treasurer Cantacuzino Elijah will raise a new wooden church, dedicated to the Annunciation, which will be replaced with a stone during Silah abbot. Also during this period many of the voting be raised monarch monastic buildings. Nathan was the father of Metropolitan Dreteanul Putneanul and Jacob is the author of two works of particular importance for the understanding of those times. Putna Hermitage was an important place of culture, the monks here are dealing with the copying of manuscripts, with translation and copying of spiritual books.

After the occupation of northern Moldavia by the Austrian Empire, The Hermitage through very hard times and will be abolished the eighteenth century to the end. Her last abbot, Ven Paisie, will remain here until his death. In 1990 began the careful restoration by the monk Sebastian Putna Hermitage, formerly of Putna monastery dweller. The church was consecrated in 1996 but growing number of believers determined to build a new church which bears patronage Healing Spring and St. Seraphim of Sarov Pious, holy jobs open in late 2007. One of the spiritual riches of the monastery is the miracle working icon of Virgin Mary, seated on the left side of the nave in 1996. In the porch of the church is to worship the relics of pious elders Silas, Nathan and Paisiem, miraculously discovered during reconstruction work. On 1 January 2005, Putna Hermitage monastery becomes independent, with more than 40 monks today.

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