Sunday, October 31, 2010

Putna Hermitage

Hermitage Putna Monastery is located 4 km from Putna monastery and is said to have been founded with the building of Putney. A Tatar Christian monk named Athanasios then, would have come here from Putna monastery and his example was followed by other monarchs, who will pick up a wooden church here. After a period of desolation, after the invasion of Poland from the end of the seventeenth century, Hermitage Putney resume life. With great treasurer Cantacuzino Elijah will raise a new wooden church, dedicated to the Annunciation, which will be replaced with a stone during Silah abbot. Also during this period many of the voting be raised monarch monastic buildings. Nathan was the father of Metropolitan Dreteanul Putneanul and Jacob is the author of two works of particular importance for the understanding of those times. Putna Hermitage was an important place of culture, the monks here are dealing with the copying of manuscripts, with translation and copying of spiritual books.

After the occupation of northern Moldavia by the Austrian Empire, The Hermitage through very hard times and will be abolished the eighteenth century to the end. Her last abbot, Ven Paisie, will remain here until his death. In 1990 began the careful restoration by the monk Sebastian Putna Hermitage, formerly of Putna monastery dweller. The church was consecrated in 1996 but growing number of believers determined to build a new church which bears patronage Healing Spring and St. Seraphim of Sarov Pious, holy jobs open in late 2007. One of the spiritual riches of the monastery is the miracle working icon of Virgin Mary, seated on the left side of the nave in 1996. In the porch of the church is to worship the relics of pious elders Silas, Nathan and Paisiem, miraculously discovered during reconstruction work. On 1 January 2005, Putna Hermitage monastery becomes independent, with more than 40 monks today.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Putna Monastery

 On 10 July 1466 we began building, with God's Holy Monastery of the Holy Mother of God, Putna. After the Putna monastery, Saint Stephen the Great will add Royal House (1473), cells, towers and defensive wall with moat. On 15 March 1484, in Holy Wednesday at midnight burned the monastery around Putney. Saint Stephen the Great, a restored monastery enriched with important properties. He also brought the Putna wooden church built by Dragos Voda Volovat. Stefan cel Mare St. died on 2 July 1504 and is buried at Putna. In June 1622 a band of villains in Bistrita and sacked the Monastery Putna Moldova. In early 1653 Vasile Lupu assume Voda monastery restoration, removal from the big church, in order to rebuild them. In 1691 John Sobieski will loot and burn foundation will stefaniana. 1739 will bring other two greatest challenges: first a big earthquake that will seriously damage the church and in September and they sacked Moscati Putna monastery. After these events get almost deserted monastery. It was raining inside the big church steeple, and jobs are kept in the wooden church brought from Volovat Stefan cel Mare. On 15 January 1745 abbots of Putna monastery was taken over by James Ieromonahul.In 1754 starts to build, river stones, the church of Putna Hermitage, the site of an old church, of wood.On 28 December 1785 was abolished the Hermitage Hermitage Putney. The four monks at the monastery had to relocate to Putna Monastery. In the early years of the 19th century, the diocesan center in Chernivtsi took the initiative to overhaul the execution of Putna Monastery. Stefan the Great's tomb was found on the S side of nave.
In 1901-1902 under the patronage of Austrian architect Adolf Karl Romstorfer monastery church is restored: the extended tower and replace it with a red tin roof of glazed tiles. On November 15, 1918 re Putna monastery in Moldova rounded borders. When someone founds a monastery, the first saint who help moving prayer, as God is holy that you want the patron saint of the new sanctuary. To the Virgin Mary and St. Stephen turned his prayer when the Great chose the place and started building the monastery and when he ordained it. Was at Putna Monastery miracle icon of the Virgin Mary. Tradition says that the ruler had received as a wedding gift from the 2nd wife, Mary Mangop Byzantine princess. Cattle on the river, 2 km from Putna monastery is a hermitage carved in stone that belonged to St. Daniil the Hermit, who lived here 20 years.When he came to ask for advice and encouragement Saint Stephen the Great after the defeat of Razboieni. Sihatrul poor received the prince in his cell and heard his confession after he urged the government to raise his army and fight that will prevail. He asked that after his victory in Voronet build a monastery in the name of St. George the Martyr, which pious gentleman did in 1488.
On May 1, 1488 Saint Stephen the Great Putna monastery gives a crown of gilded silver for the head of St. Gennadius. Epitaph is the liturgical objects that are painted or episode brodeaza descent from the cross of Jesus Christ and his complaint. Lamentations After the service, Good Friday, surrounded by flowers epitaph is brought from the altar in the nave, which symbolizes the descent of the Saviour on the cross, prohodirea and putting it in the grave. With him around the church, and then all the people passing under it and the epitaph on Holy Saturday is brought to the altar and placed on the Holy Mass, a gesture that signifies the resurrection from the grave on the 3rd day. There will be all the 40 days that follow until the feast of Ascension of Christ (Ispas). Epitaph in 1490 which is the oldest preserved from Stefan cel Mare, one of the most impressive monumental dramatic Romanian embroidery.Procovatul sea (air) in 1481 was given by Saint Stephen Putna monastery where he was working. Dverele are curtains covering the central entrance into the sanctuary. There is a special black for the Lenten season and one for the rest of the year. Dveri Annunciation was given by Prince in 1483. Another is Dveri Dveri Dormition Putna worked in 1485. Dveri Crucifixion from 1500 captures the climax of self-effacement of the Son of God. Embroidery headgear are designed to adorn the grave tombstones. Of the seven who retain complete tomb Coverings Putna, the most important is that the roof is represented Mangop Mary.
Our great poet Mihai Eminescu Romanian people named Putna''Jerusalem''and''grave of Saint Stephen the Great Altar of National Consciousness.''